Chicken Care | Schweiger Ranch
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Chicken Care Policies & Procedures


Care of Chickens:

Current hen count:  17

Note: Seasonal temperature prep of Coop – please see main Volunteer Central Page for instructions

  • Morning Feeding:
    » Fill feed dispenser with chicken feed, no more than 1/4 of the cylinder (stored in the metal storage bin). Note: please make sure lid is secure on storage container when done; this keeps the squirrels out.
    » Treats of meal worms, cracked corn, or Harvest Delight (also in the metal bin) are to be scattered outside in the coop run during nice weather or inside the main coop area.
    » Replace all water buckets with fresh water. Discard old water around trees on the property if possible. A water spigot is located in the goat corral and behind/north of the house.

    • Heated water bucket should be plugged in/turned on during winter months.
  • Egg Collection: Please collect eggs using the provided wire basket and place them in the egg cartons inside the wooden cooler/storage container in the south door of the granary. Any cracked eggs should be discarded. Note: eggs must not get wet; if inclement weather, please use the white plastic bucket/lid labeled for eggs collection.
  • Visual appearance/overall observance:
    »  Our birds are not allowed outside of the coop/enclosed run area due to previous coyote attacks.  Please help us keep a visual check on them by observing any areas of concern, e.g., bleeding, loss of feathers, etc. Use Volunteer Check in form for any updates/concerns.  If urgent, please call or text Tamra at 303-917-5126.
  • Evening Check
    • Collect any additional eggs, overall check of the birds and ensure they have enough water for the evening.  During winter months, please make sure the heated bucket is turned on.
    • Provide additional treats in the outside run or inside the main area of the coop.
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